EA Sluice Works
4th Jan 2025
End of Year update from EA/BAM can be found here
8th November 2024
As you may have observed the work schedule on site has reduced which is reflected in the attached programme.
At present we have one gang working with the excavator and dumper within the compound around the sluice.
There is minimal interaction with the routes around the compound except for pant crossing into the site yard occasionally.
We confirm the ongoing plan for no weekend working for construction activities.
In about three weeks’ time there will be a 60t crane on site to lift the lid of the new bypass chamber into position.
Latest 4 week works plan from EA/BAM available here
7th October 2024
Latest 4 week works plan from EA/BAM available here
11th September 2024
Latest 4 week works plan from EA/BAM available here
21st August 2024
Latest News letter from EA available here
Latest update from EA/BAM
Saturday and Sunday, 17/18 August – placement of reinforcement on ) to fix the rebar to the Up Stream walls. Only plant on Sunday will be the excavator to feed the rebar into the sluice.
The August Bank holiday weekend there are plans to undertake formwork on Saturday only.
Here is the latest 4 weekly programme from Monday 12/08/24
Please see below an update from EA regarding the sluice gate replacement.
As you will be aware this spring and summer (so far) have been much wetter than usual resulting in the river flows being higher than we would expect at this time of year. The higher river flows are delaying our start of the in-channel works at the sluice. With drying weather we are hoping to be able to start the in-channel works on Monday. We are also looking at programme mitigation measures to be able to complete this seasons’ in-channel works before the normal start of autumn rainfall. In the first instance we will be increasing the bypass pump capacity to enable us to start the in-channel work and continue them with the flows we have been experiencing so far this summer.
In addition, we are looking to increasing contractor resources to be able to increase site productivity over the summer by carrying out more operations simultaneously. We are looking to increase the contractor working hours during the week to 7am (their current start time) to 7pm (from around 5pm). In order to be most productive during the normal working week some preparation would be required on the occasional weekend. We fully understand that the Club is for quiet recreation and has a rule for no noise after lunchtime on Saturdays. In keeping with this our contractor would cease noisy work at Saturday lunchtime, though still be active around the site in the afternoon. A potential exception to this would be the first weekend of August when a crane would lift steel reinforcement into the channel ready for a concrete pour the following week. The crane would not be active all the time, only needing to lower steel into the channel occasionally, pausing while this steel is fixed in place. We recognise that this would be a disturbance, but we are working to mitigate against a potential greater disturbance should the in-channel works over-run into the autumn.
Any questions please email Commodore or the Club Secretary.
PLA Tidetables inc Thames 2024